


PURELL® Brand K-12 Well-Being Center: Placement Solutions

The Right Products, In The Right Places

Find out where to place hand soap and sanitizer, as well as surface disinfecting products to maximize your well-being program.

Find the Perfect Placement

Every school is different, but regardless of the floor plan, most buildings can be broken down into three categories for product placement. When you consider the number of people who visit an area, how frequently they visit it, and how big the area is, you can start to plan your hand hygiene and surface product placements accordingly.

High-traffic areas

All or most students are here at almost the same time. Main entrances, buses, cafeterias and gymnasiums are good examples.

These areas demand the most access to soap, sanitizer, and surface products. Placing dispensers prominently encourages use and sends a signal that you’re committed to students’ well-being.

Medium-traffic area

Lots of people visit these areas, but not all at once. Restrooms, media centers, teachers’ lounges, and main offices are considered medium-traffic areas.

Prominent placement is still recommended, but product options can include tabletop hand sanitizer bottles, wall-mounted sanitizer dispensers, and surface sanitizing wipes for desks and conference tables.

Low-traffic areas

These areas are only visited sporadically throughout the day, or people spend large amounts of time in one place, like administrative offices and classrooms.

These areas can almost completely rely on hand sanitizer bottles and other smaller solutions.

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