
Landmark Study Proves PURELL ADVANCED WORKFORCE SOLUTION™ Reduces Insurance Claims

A recent 13-month study conducted by Medical Mutual of Ohio and GOJO was the first to prove a direct link between the availability of a comprehensive hand hygiene program and a reduction in healthcare insurance claims tied to hand hygiene preventable illnesses.1 The program - the PURELL ADVANCED WORKFORCE SOLUTION™ - reduced related claims by over 24%, AND reduced absenteeism by over 13%. This reduction in claims means that implementation of the PURELL ADVANCED WORKFORCE SOLUTION™ pays for itself with hard cost savings.

The breakthrough study impacts healthcare claims, absenteeism and employee attitude:
Study Proves PURELL™ Advanced Workforce Solution Reduces Insurance Claims and Absenteeism
A simple way to bring your organization the proven benefits of the

This kit provides the gift of well-being to every member of your workforce, while enhancing their opinion of both you and their physical work space. Place product at all desks and in common areas as well – such as meeting rooms, cafeterias, lobbies – for a comprehensive hand hygiene solution that not only works, but also pays for itself.

Contains the following items:

  • PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizing Gel – 8 oz. bottle, with a base for holding the product at a workspace or in a common area, with a frame that fits into the base
  • PURELL Hand Sanitizing Wipes – 100-count canister
  • PURELL Advanced Hand Sanitizing Gel – 3 1 oz. bottles in convenient JELLY WRAP™ carriers for on the-go usage

Contact your GOJO representative for full details.

PURELL Advanced Workforce Solution - AMS Kit
Impact of a Comprehensive Workplace Hand Hygiene Program on Employer Health Care Insurance Claims and Costs, Absenteeism, and Employee Perceptions and Practices – published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Get the full study now...

Impact of a Comprehensive Workplace Hand Hygiene Program on Employer Health Care Insurance Claims and Costs, Absenteeism, and Employee Perceptions and Practices – published in the Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.

More Downloads and Videos:
PURELL Advanced Workforce Solution - Study Proves PURELL™ Advanced Workforce Solution Reduces Insurance Claims and Absenteeism


A handy reference to the study and its results.



See how the PURELL ADVANCED WORKFORCE SOLUTION™ can benefit everyone in your workplace.

Kathy Golovan, Chief Health Officer at Medical Mutual of Ohio, discusses the link between hand hygiene and immediate health returns.

Jim Arbogast, Ph.D, the lead author of the study and Vice President of Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements at GOJO, cites the significant, year-round impact of hand hygiene preventable illnesses.

  1. Arbogast, JW., L. Moore-Schiltz, W. Jarvis, A. Harpster-Hagen, J. Hughes, A. Parker. 2016. “Impact of a Comprehensive Workplace Hand Hygiene Program on Employer Healthcare Insurance Claims plus Costs, Absenteeism, and Employee Perceptions and Practices.” Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Did You Know...
PURELL Hand Hygiene Products have More Impact on overall impression of the office space