How to Combat Cross-Contamination from Hands & Surfaces
Avoiding cross-contamination requires proactive measures, not reactive ones. After all, an outbreak can cause customers and employees to become seriously ill, while permanently damaging a business’ reputation – and the bottom line.
Cross-contamination is a complex subject and it extends beyond the basics of keeping foods apart. But, like with those unseen germs themselves, it may not always be apparent exactly where knowledge gaps remain and what questions need answering to build a more holistic understanding of this topic.
Thought Starters
What are the commonly used sanitation techniques that have major risks of causing cross-contamination? Or how does hand hygiene fit into your food safety program? Is cleaning with a red bucket and reusable cloth really that bad? Are there surfaces beyond the obvious food prep ones that need special attention? And what are the key components essential to creating a robust program centered around hands and surfaces?
A 3-Part Learning Series
In our 'How to Combat Cross-Contamination from Hands & Surfaces" series, participants will get the answer to these questions and more. It’s part of our PURELL Food Safety – Table Talks program, engaging discussions between Food Safety experts, with rich insights and actionable learnings that can’t be found anywhere else. Whether you’re a seasoned Foodservice veteran, a newly minted leader, or someone else in the space, there will be plenty of new lessons to take away, or worthwhile reinforcements and updates of previous understandings to be had, from these dynamic conversations on cross-contamination.
Which leads to one last question – what are you waiting for?
Completing a free registration at any time will give you access to all 3 of this course’s exclusive 45-60 minutes sessions as soon as they become available.