

We serve as a trusted resource for the latest news and helpful information related to skin health and surface hygiene advancements. GOJO microbiologists, scientists, nurses and other professionals post regularly and we also get the views of outside experts and thought leaders in the field. It’s all part of the GOJO Purpose, Saving Lives and Making Lives Better Through Well-Being Solutions.

Diane Collins

Senior Market Development Director – Foodservice, GOJO Industries

Diane Collins is the Senior Market Development Director for Foodservice at GOJO Industries. She has been with GOJO since 2014. Her 20+ year sales and marketing career has mostly been spent working in consumer products within Fortune 500 companies. Diane holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree in Marketing and Logistics from John Carroll University and MBA in Marketing from the University of Akron.
Drive-through restaurant worker hands drive-up customer a PURELL hand sanitizing wipe
GOJO Releases Free Guest Experience Resource E-Book


By Diane Collins

Senior Market Development Director – Foodservice, GOJO Industries

For foodservice establishments, including restaurants, grocery stores, and convenience stores, navigating the past almost two years has required perpetual adjustments along the way. Constantly planning for the “new normal,” which gets pushed further out over and over again, has meant undertaking significant investments to adapt and maintaining nimble operations at a time of tightened budgets, food and supply shortages, and limited staffing resources. All responsibilities of the operation have grown more complex; even something once viewed as routine – guest experience.

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Graphic of a person juggling menus, food items, surface disinfectant and hand sanitizer bottles
Foodservice Guests Expect More – Can You Meet Their Needs?


By Diane Collins

Senior Market Development Director – Foodservice, GOJO Industries

COVID-19 has changed the world, and with it the concept of “guest experience” has grown substantially. While good food and atmosphere used to be customers’ primary concern, they now expect more, adopting a laser focus on overall health and safety in the process. How can retail foodservice establishments get a clearer idea of exactly what guests are looking for – big and small – meet those expectations, and get credit for doing it? Especially with limited budget and staffing resources?

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Patron picking up takeout at restaurant counter
Keeping Food Safety On Track with Off-Premise Activity


By Diane Collins

Senior Market Development Director – Foodservice, GOJO Industries

More restaurant operations are occurring outside of traditional spaces due to the growth of off-premise sales. As with all foodservice policies, “out of sight, out of mind” is never a best practice, and it’s absolutely necessary to be stewards of food safety even when it can’t be readily observed. This is the topic of a recent essay from Hal King, Ph.D., Managing Partner at Active Food Safety and Founder of Public Health Innovations.

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