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Woman blowing her nose outside in the snow
Why You Catch a Cold – Is It the Weather, Biology of Your Nose, or Both?


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

As you may know, winter is prime time for the circulation of respiratory viruses like those that cause colds and the flu. But have you ever wondered why we are more likely to catch colds when the weather cools down? One reasonable explanation is that we tend to spend more time inside during the day when it’s cold and dreary outside – in schools, offices, and other indoor environments – which means lower ventilation levels and closer contact with each other. These factors mean that once one person catches a cold or another respiratory virus like those that cause the flu or COVID, it can more easily spread to others.

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Mom cleaning table with PURELL Multi Surface Disinfectant Spray while infant strapped to her chest and daughter sitting at the table
Top Tips to Fend Off Flu, RSV, and Colds in Your Home This Winter


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

The days are getting darker and cooler, the leaves have fallen, and with the holidays approaching, we are all looking forward to welcoming guests into our homes to celebrate. One thing we don’t want to welcome into our homes this time of year is the flu and other winter respiratory viruses, like the common cold and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus), which is currently surging in U.S. children.

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Janitor cart full of cleaning products, including PURELL Surface Disinfecting Wipes
5 Steps for Schools to Prepare for Cold, Flu, and RSV Season


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

With the fall semester in high gear and Thanksgiving and winter breaks quickly approaching, many schools are on the lookout for another seasonal element that has the potential to disrupt their operations – the arrival of cold and flu season. Unlike other illnesses that are difficult to predict, each year, like clockwork, an army of respiratory viruses that cause cold and flu-like symptoms invades our schools, typically starting in the early fall and peaking between the months of December and February – though they appear to be starting early this year.

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Worker cleaning bathroom surfaces with PURELL Foodservice Surface Sanitizer
Tips to Prepare Your Business for Flu, Colds, and RSV Season


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

With the potential of an early start to this year’s flu season, and respiratory virus cases filling up U.S. pediatric hospitals, it’s time to act now to keep your businesses and workplaces healthy this flu and winter respiratory virus season. Places like retail shops, office and medical buildings, school campuses, restaurants, grocery stores, and leisure facilities, with their shared spaces and many people coming and going throughout the day, are prime incubators for respiratory viruses like the flu, RSV, and viruses that cause the common cold.

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Worker coughing while sitting at desk in front of computer
Flu Severity This Winter – Be Prepared


By James Bingham, MS

Senior Research Microbiologist, GOJO

The past two flu seasons have been mild ones, with very little virus circulating. Because of that, people’s immune systems may be more susceptible to the influenza virus, particularly younger children who may have previously had little or no exposure to the virus. Given these recent mild seasons during the pandemic, public health experts have been concerned that a severe flu season is on the horizon. Further, if it’s also circulating while COVID-19 cases are elevated, it could cause an added burden to our healthcare system. Based on the southern hemisphere’s flu season this year, public health experts are anticipating a moderate to severe flu season for the U.S. and northern hemisphere.

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Illustration of an influenza virus cell
Are Viruses Behaving Strangely, or Are We?


By James Bingham, MS

Senior Research Microbiologist, GOJO

Viruses appear to have been acting strangely over the past year as we have emerged from COVID restrictions. During the first two years of the pandemic, many infectious diseases that typically circulate during certain times of year took a hiatus. COVID-19 precautions, like social distancing, wearing masks, increased hand hygiene and surface disinfection, and limited travel, were highly effective at limiting the spread of COVID-19 but also limited the spread of many common illnesses that spread through similar transmission routes as COVID-19.

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A group of young adults sitting at a table eating food
5 Tips to Avoid Back-to-School Illness Outbreaks This Fall


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

Over the past few weeks, U.S. K-12 schools, colleges, and universities have been navigating the waves of students returning to their buildings and campuses for the 2022-2023 academic year. Unfortunately, the students are not coming alone – they are likely bringing their personal germs with them.

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Professor cleaning desk in college classroom with PURELL surface disinfectant spray
4 Cleaning Steps to Avoid a Flu Outbreak on Your Campus


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

With the fall semester wrapping up and students looking forward to a return to classes in 2022, many colleges and universities are on high alert to see just how bad the flu season will be this year. Obviously, schools want to reduce the impact of flu as well as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Healthy students learn better, and healthy teachers teach better. Unlike previous years, we have no idea what to expect for the 2021-2022 flu season.

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National Foundation for Infectious Diseases
Now More Than Ever, Getting a Flu Vaccine Is a Must


By William Schaffner, MD

Medical Director, National Foundation for Infectious Diseases

During National Influenza Vaccination Week (NIVW), the primary public health message has never been more important than it is this flu season: Get your annual flu vaccine now. The recommendation is simple – it applies to everyone age 6 months and older – and it is critically important for those at high risk for flu-related complications, such as young children, pregnant women, older adults, and individuals with certain chronic health conditions, including heart disease, lung disease, and diabetes.

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PURELL in Office
5 Tips to Keep Your Office Healthy This Flu Season


By Thom Wojtkun

National Account Director, Commercial Real Estate

We have entered peak flu season so you may be seeing more and more employees showing up to work congested, sniffly, and coughing. The impact that the flu has on the health of people in the workplace is significant. The CDC estimates $7 billion lost in productivity and sick days, every year, due to the flu.1 But there are many ways to prevent the spread of illness in the workplace and stay healthy, this winter germ season.

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