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Should Your Hand Hygiene and Surface Products Graduate to the Next Level this School Year?


By Lisa Barry

Business Development Director - Industrial & Government, Government, GOJO Industries

A new school year is quickly approaching, and campus staff are ready for it (or will be very soon). With all of the activity of preparing curriculum, opening classrooms, prepping to greet students, and getting facilities into ship shape – don't forget about reviewing your health and safety protocols. Back to school often means back to germs. And right on the heels of that comes winter germ season – bringing annoying respiratory germs (like common colds, COVID-19, and RSV), dreaded flu bugs, and even more dreaded, norovirus and other "belly bugs."

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School cafeteria worker disinfecting foodservice area using PURELL Surface Disinfectant spray
Tips to Prevent Norovirus Outbreaks on Campus


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

Every January, as K-12 schools, colleges, and universities return to campus after winter break, schools brace for a flare-up of seasonal illnesses as students and staff bring germs from around the country back to campus. This year, high cases of RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and the flu have been reported throughout the U.S., with COVID-19 cases rising. But, so far, one illness that appears to be hiding just below the radar is the dreaded "winter vomiting bug" or "stomach flu."

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Janitor cart full of cleaning products, including PURELL Surface Disinfecting Wipes
5 Steps for Schools to Prepare for Cold, Flu, and RSV Season


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

With the fall semester in high gear and Thanksgiving and winter breaks quickly approaching, many schools are on the lookout for another seasonal element that has the potential to disrupt their operations – the arrival of cold and flu season. Unlike other illnesses that are difficult to predict, each year, like clockwork, an army of respiratory viruses that cause cold and flu-like symptoms invades our schools, typically starting in the early fall and peaking between the months of December and February – though they appear to be starting early this year.

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A group of young adults sitting at a table eating food
5 Tips to Avoid Back-to-School Illness Outbreaks This Fall


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

Over the past few weeks, U.S. K-12 schools, colleges, and universities have been navigating the waves of students returning to their buildings and campuses for the 2022-2023 academic year. Unfortunately, the students are not coming alone – they are likely bringing their personal germs with them.

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Graphic showing statistics from study on surfaces in university dining facilitiy
Hidden Germs in Collegiate Dining Facilities


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

Germs are everywhere. Did you know, on average, adults can touch as many as 30 objects in a single minute, including germ-harboring, high-touch surfaces? In fact, germs that can make your students and staff sick can survive pretty much anywhere and live from hours to even months depending on the germ and where it’s residing! This is partly why outbreaks – like COVID-19, cold, flu, and gastrointestinal illness – are common on college and university campuses. The residential style of shared dining facilities and high student-to-student contact make campuses breeding grounds for infectious outbreaks.

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Healthcare worker changing refill on PURELL ES8 Hand Sanitizer Dispenser
Energy-on-the-Refill: A Touch-Free Solution with Labor and Waste in Mind


By Stephen Wagner

Senior Total Solutions Manager, GOJO Industries

During the height of the pandemic, people everywhere were instructed to avoid making contact with commonly touched surfaces. This quickly increased demand for touch-free everyday products, like dispensers.

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Children swinging on monkey bars on playground
Keeping Outdoor Germs Outside of Your Facility


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

It’s no surprise that as the weather improves, students and staff are spending more time outdoors taking advantage of playgrounds, outdoor seating, dining areas, and athletic and sports fields. Many campuses, additionally, have begun to utilize temporary or even permanent outdoor learning spaces. While the outdoors is a great place to play and learn, unfortunately, it can also be a major source of illness-causing germs.

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Janitorial cart with cleaning products, including PURELL Surface Disinfecting Wipes
7 Ways to Get a Head Start on Germ Defense Next Year


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

K-12 facility managers, teachers, and staff deserve a pat on the back for helping their schools stay open this academic year. And there is no rest; while the 2021-2022 school year nears completion, facility managers are already preparing for the next school year, which will likely look different yet again. With the pandemic (hopefully) in the rear-view mirror, facility managers may want to breathe a sigh of relief, but now is not the time to let up the guard. With masks disappearing from use and other COVID practices like social distancing relaxing, germs will likely re-emerge, possibly with a vengeance.

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Teacher cleaning classroom desk with PURELL surface disinfecting wipes with students present
Surface Disinfecting Wipes Make Classroom Cleaning Easier and Faster


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

Schools are full of germs. More than a decade ago, leading microbiologist Dr. Chuck Gerba conducted pivotal research showing that 25-50% of surfaces in the classroom can harbor germs that cause stomach bugs and the flu during winter months. With germs ever present in our schools and nearly half of school staff reporting disinfecting their classrooms at least four times a day, many classrooms probably have a stash of disinfectant wipes to help teachers and staff efficiently keep surfaces germ-free.

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Professor cleaning desk in college classroom with PURELL surface disinfectant spray
4 Cleaning Steps to Avoid a Flu Outbreak on Your Campus


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

With the fall semester wrapping up and students looking forward to a return to classes in 2022, many colleges and universities are on high alert to see just how bad the flu season will be this year. Obviously, schools want to reduce the impact of flu as well as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Healthy students learn better, and healthy teachers teach better. Unlike previous years, we have no idea what to expect for the 2021-2022 flu season.

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