

We serve as a trusted resource for the latest news and helpful information related to skin health and surface hygiene advancements. GOJO microbiologists, scientists, nurses and other professionals post regularly and we also get the views of outside experts and thought leaders in the field. It’s all part of the GOJO Purpose, Saving Lives and Making Lives Better Through Well-Being Solutions.

UV light comparison of wiping up a spill with a reusable cloth and red bucket with sanitizing solution vs a disposable sanitizing wipe
Demo Shows It's Time to Ditch the Red Bucket


By Gina Beans

Research Scientist, GOJO Industries

Spills happen in foodservice establishments. Constantly. So, there is no use crying over them, right? Well, in many cases, they're then dealt with by staff doing their best to wipe up with a reusable cloth and a red bucket filled with sanitizer solution. But this common practice could actually be spreading the mess further, potentially even compromising cleanliness and the well-being of guests and customers.

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close-up of mist coming out of a disinfectant spray bottle
Danger! Decoding EPA Toxicity Ratings and Precautionary Statements on Surface Product Labels


By Matt Witten

Senior Total Solutions Director, GOJO Industries

You may be surprised to learn that many common surface disinfectants have some pretty alarming statements on their labels. Check a few labels next time you are at the store, and you will notice words like “CAUTION,” “WARNING,” or even “DANGER.” But who determines these signal words, and what level of risk is associated with each? Most importantly, how could those risks affect the people in your facilities?

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Red bucket in foodservice kitchen
Understanding the Food Safety Risks with Reusable Wiping Cloths and the “Red Bucket”


By Chip Manuel, Ph.D.

Food Safety Science Advisor, GOJO Industries

There’s a good chance that you’ve been to a restaurant and observed an employee grab a soaking wet cloth towel from a red bucket filled with solution and then use the towel to wipe a table clean for the next set of guests. But did you know this seemingly routine practice can carry food safety risks if not conducted properly? In this article, we will take a deeper dive into the practice of reusable wiping cloths, exploring some of the potential food safety risks of this practice as demonstrated by recent scientific efforts.

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Classroom photo with teacher's desk in the foreground and student desks in the background
Do Your School's Disinfectants Leave Chemicals Behind?


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

Schools are a breeding ground for germs – they're forever plagued by illness outbreaks that potentially disrupt student learning and facility operations. We know that surface disinfection is one key way to break the germ cycle, providing peace of mind that killing germs on surfaces means healthier school facilities. But have we thought enough about what is left behind after we kill the germs, and are we confident it's not another risk to our students and staff?

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Restaurant worker cleaning table with PURELL surface spray while family waits to be seated
Formulation Counts When It Comes to Surface Sanitizers and Disinfectants


By Chuck Crawford, Ph.D.

Chief Innovation Officer, GOJO Industries

From our more than 75 years of innovating hygiene products, we know there are fundamental elements that deliver effective and worry-free hand and surface hygiene products that people want to use. At GOJO, we refer to this idea as "Formulation Counts," and it's at the core of every product we develop. I've covered how formulation counts for alcohol-based hand sanitizer in a previous blog this blog post will go into that story for surface sanitizers and disinfectants.

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Woman talking to male co-worker in breakroom while he uses a PURELL surface disinfecting wipe on the counter
Promoting Wellness in the Workplace


By Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

Workplaces have evolved over the course of the pandemic. For some, what once was a daily commute to the office has shifted to hybrid and flexible work schedules. Over the past year, workers have been returning to their offices more frequently. Recently, Kastle Systems data passed 50% office occupancy in the U.S. for the first time since the pandemic began.

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Someone spraying restroom sink with PURELL surface disinfectant
What is Norovirus?


By Chip Manuel, Ph.D.

Food Safety Science Advisor, GOJO Industries

Also By Megan J. DiGiorgio, MSN, RN, CIC, FAPIC

Senior Clinical Manager, GOJO Industries

CDC data shows that cases of norovirus (aka "the stomach bug") are rising. Recently, there have been multiple elementary schools in the news after outbreaks. You may have even heard from friends who had a recent bout with the dreaded "stomach flu." This blog will cover the basics about norovirus to help you prepare personally and prevent an outbreak at your business/school.

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Teacher spraying classroom desk with PURELL surface disinfectant
Tips to Prevent Norovirus Outbreaks in K-12 Schools


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

Schools are common settings for spreading germs and illnesses, particularly during the cold winter months when people spend more time inside. While the flu and RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) seem to have peaked for this season, norovirus and other "stomach bugs" are wreaking havoc on K-12 schools. A few elementary schools have even been in the U.S. news recently with norovirus outbreaks, some even canceling school for a few days.

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Family seated at a table dining at casual restaurant with an employee behind them spraying another table with PURELL Foodservice Surface Sanitizer
Food Safety Experts Share Best Practices for Norovirus Prevention in Food Establishments


By Chip Manuel, Ph.D.

Food Safety Science Advisor, GOJO Industries

As we reach peak norovirus season, I wanted to share the below takeaways from a conversation I had with two top food safety experts at the 2022 Food Safety Summit. Hal King, Ph.D., Managing Partner, Active Food Safety and Founder/CEO, Public Health Innovation, and Lee-Ann Jaykus, Ph.D., William Neal Reynolds Distinguished Professor, North Carolina State University, shared best practices to help food establishments prevent foodborne pathogens from spreading at their facilities, with a focus on norovirus.

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School cafeteria worker disinfecting foodservice area using PURELL Surface Disinfectant spray
Tips to Prevent Norovirus Outbreaks on Campus


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

Every January, as K-12 schools, colleges, and universities return to campus after winter break, schools brace for a flare-up of seasonal illnesses as students and staff bring germs from around the country back to campus. This year, high cases of RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and the flu have been reported throughout the U.S., with COVID-19 cases rising. But, so far, one illness that appears to be hiding just below the radar is the dreaded "winter vomiting bug" or "stomach flu."

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