

We serve as a trusted resource for the latest news and helpful information related to skin health and surface hygiene advancements. GOJO microbiologists, scientists, nurses and other professionals post regularly and we also get the views of outside experts and thought leaders in the field. It’s all part of the GOJO Purpose, Saving Lives and Making Lives Better Through Well-Being Solutions.

Woman talking to male co-worker in breakroom while he uses a PURELL surface disinfecting wipe on the counter
Promoting Wellness in the Workplace


By Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

Workplaces have evolved over the course of the pandemic. For some, what once was a daily commute to the office has shifted to hybrid and flexible work schedules. Over the past year, workers have been returning to their offices more frequently. Recently, Kastle Systems data passed 50% office occupancy in the U.S. for the first time since the pandemic began.

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Worker cleaning bathroom surfaces with PURELL Foodservice Surface Sanitizer
Tips to Prepare Your Business for Flu, Colds, and RSV Season


By Dawn Yeomans, Ph.D.

Research Principal, GOJO Industries

With the potential of an early start to this year’s flu season, and respiratory virus cases filling up U.S. pediatric hospitals, it’s time to act now to keep your businesses and workplaces healthy this flu and winter respiratory virus season. Places like retail shops, office and medical buildings, school campuses, restaurants, grocery stores, and leisure facilities, with their shared spaces and many people coming and going throughout the day, are prime incubators for respiratory viruses like the flu, RSV, and viruses that cause the common cold.

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Graphic of the places that GOJO team members are working
GOJO Latest Innovation: A New Model of Work that Balances Flexibility and Productivity


By Emily Esterly

Work Ecosystem and Employee Experience Vice President, GOJO Industries

You know us as the inventors and makers of PURELL® Hand Sanitizer. We are a company with a 75-year history of solving critical human problems and bringing game-changing products to the marketplace that improve public health. Our products have had an essential role during the pandemic. But while we were running our operations 24/7, sourcing raw materials, and doing everything we could to meet immeasurable demand, we were also innovating. And not just innovating new products but also innovating for what the future of work could be for our GOJO team members and our company.

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Office building with Onvation™ Smart Restroom Management System
A New Design for the Post-Pandemic Healthy Smart Office Building


By April Bertram

Former Senior Business Development Director, GOJO Industries

During this pandemic, office buildings sit empty of workers, but work is still going on inside – building owners have been busy frantically updating interiors preparing for the eventual return of workers, updating elevators to make them touch-free, taking a critical look at office air flow, evaluating building cleaning procedures, and employee hand hygiene protocols. The pandemic has made people rethink previous norms of what an average workday looks like.

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ONVATION Smart Restroom Management System
Don’t Let Restrooms Run on Empty


By April Bertram

Former Senior Business Development Director, GOJO Industries

Imagine if drivers didn’t know their cars needed gas until their tanks were empty. Vehicles would litter roadsides. Emergency gas delivery services would be everywhere. Drivers would stop at gas stations constantly to fill up, just in case.

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Eating at Food Establishment
How Workplace and Classroom Findings Help Improve Food Safety Practices


By Chip Manuel, Ph.D.

Food Safety Science Advisor, GOJO Industries

Your co-workers are always in close proximity, everyone uses the same accommodations – restrooms, breakrooms, open spaces – and you share snacks, etc., and you always seem to notice someone a little under the weather. You could say this vague description sounds like a restaurant. Maybe even an office. Or a classroom.

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Innovative Solutions for Counter Mount Soap Systems


By Nate Nicoll

Former Market Development Manager

GOJO was founded in 1946 when Jerry and Goldie Lippman worked together to invent the GOJO® Hand Cleaner after seeing how Goldie’s hands suffered from the harsh chemical cleaners rubber factory workers used to clean their hands.

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Keep Your Guard Up and the Risk of Office Illness Down
Keep Your Guard Up and the Risk of Office Illness Down


By Thom Wojtkun

National Account Director, Commercial Real Estate

While the traditional cold and flu season is drawing to a close, the workplace germs that lead to illness don’t always pay attention to the calendar. Even though spring nears, you’re still at risk of catching a cold – and what could be worse than coughing and sneezing away a wonderful spring day (or any day, for that matter)? The solution to keeping the doctor away is as simple – and more proven – than an apple a day.

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Keep Your Guard Up and the Risk of Office Illness Down
Keep Your Guard Up and the Risk of Office Illness Down


By Thom Wojtkun

National Account Director, Commercial Real Estate

While the traditional cold and flu season is drawing to a close, the workplace germs that lead to illness don’t always pay attention to the calendar. Even though spring nears, you’re still at risk of catching a cold – and what could be worse than coughing and sneezing away a wonderful spring day (or any day, for that matter)? The solution to keeping the doctor away is as simple – and more proven – than an apple a day.

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GOJO Hand Hygiene Blog Recap: January - March 2016
The GOJO Blog: What You May Have Missed


By Kelly McGlumphy

Public Relations Senior Manager, GOJO Industries

From tips on flu and norovirus prevention, to information on hand hygiene and surface disinfecting products, we have you covered. But, before we move into April, we wanted to share with you the top blog posts you may have missed from the beginning of 2018. 

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