

We serve as a trusted resource for the latest news and helpful information related to skin health and surface hygiene advancements. GOJO microbiologists, scientists, nurses and other professionals post regularly and we also get the views of outside experts and thought leaders in the field. It’s all part of the GOJO Purpose, Saving Lives and Making Lives Better Through Well-Being Solutions.

Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

James W. Arbogast, Ph.D., joined GOJO in 2002 and currently serves as Vice President of Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements. Prior to his appointment to his current role in 2014, Dr. Arbogast held a variety of technical leadership roles in Skin Care Science, Product Development and New Technology with the company. Before joining GOJO, he gained experience in the consumer products industry with Clorox and Dial.

Dr. Arbogast has been directly involved in the formulation and national launch of hundreds of products in the laundry, air freshening, hair care, skin care, and hand hygiene markets. Under his leadership, the Skin Care Science team has conducted numerous field outcome studies with hand hygiene products to determine their real-world effect on skin condition and infection related rates. Additionally, there have been many contributions to advancing the science of hand hygiene around microbiology, clinical studies, analytical chemistry, drug stability and new product development.

Dr. Arbogast has made presentations at major scientific conferences and has authored multiple articles and patents. Dr. Arbogast, who earned a Ph.D. in organic chemistry from the University of California at Los Angeles, has more than 25 years of experience in consumer product development with more than the last 20 years focused on skin care. He resides in Bath, Ohio, with his wife and three children. For information on his research, visit his ORCiD.

Hamburgers being cooked on a grill
E. coli 101: Understanding the Threat


By Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

September is Food Safety Education Month – a time set aside each year to increase general awareness about food safety and help prevent foodborne illness, which sickens 1 in 6 Americans each year.1 This year, we're choosing to highlight E. coli, fresh on the heels of the new Netflix documentary "Poisoned: The Dirty Truth About Your Food" which examines the food industry in the U.S., and in recognition of the 30th anniversary of the infamous Jack in the Box E. coli outbreak.

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Man holding hands palm up with a graphic of magnifying glass looking at germs
Proven Risks of Refillable Soap Dispensers


By Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

When you wash your hands, you expect them to be clean afterwards. Unfortunately, there is a common style of hand soap dispenser that has a high potential to leave your hands germier than before you started. At GOJO, we refer to this style of dispenser as a “refillable bulk” soap dispenser. Instead of having a sealed refill inside the dispenser that gets swapped out when it’s empty, this style of dispenser has an easy opening that someone pours soap into (for example, a hinged lid with a large bottle of soap to top it off). You’ve probably seen them in your daily outings – in public restrooms at rest stops, restaurants, and even schools. There are many different designs, but all have the same inherent risks.

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WHO World Hand Hygiene Day graphic
Together, We Can Accelerate Action in Improving Hand Hygiene


By Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

As World Hand Hygiene Day approaches on May 5th, we join hospitals around the globe and the World Health Organization (WHO) in raising awareness about the importance of hand hygiene. Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer (ABHS) frequently at key moments and washing with soap and water when hands are visibly soiled or contaminated are key steps in any infection prevention program. Public health organizations all over the world join in this celebration, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Health Canada.

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Man and woman in car sharing a 2oz PURELL hand sanitizer bottle
When to Use Hand Sanitizer


By Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

Here at GOJO, we know hand sanitizer – and when it's best to use it. After all, we invented PURELL® hand sanitizer in 1988. Our team of scientists has been doing industry and public health-leading research on hand hygiene for decades. Our employees set hand sanitizer around the house, in their cars, handbags, and pockets … we give bottles to friends and family for the holidays. We know the key moments that we turn to our product. But maybe you aren't sure.

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Woman talking to male co-worker in breakroom while he uses a PURELL surface disinfecting wipe on the counter
Promoting Wellness in the Workplace


By Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

Workplaces have evolved over the course of the pandemic. For some, what once was a daily commute to the office has shifted to hybrid and flexible work schedules. Over the past year, workers have been returning to their offices more frequently. Recently, Kastle Systems data passed 50% office occupancy in the U.S. for the first time since the pandemic began.

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Puzzle pieces showing Partnership and Collaboration written on them
Promoting Public Health Through Collaboration


By Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

Also By David Light

Chief Executive Officer, Valisure

GOJO and Valisure, a leader in independent testing, are collaborating to accelerate independent quality assurance and help ensure that only safe and effective hand hygiene products are available in public settings.

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PURELL Smartlink coaching in hospital
Let’s Partner Together to Promote Hand Hygiene


By Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

As World Hand Hygiene Day approaches on May 5th, we join hospitals around the globe and the World Health Organization (WHO) in raising awareness about the importance of hand hygiene. Using an alcohol-based hand sanitizer frequently at key moments and washing with soap and water when hands are visibly soiled or contaminated are key steps in any infection prevention program. Public health organizations all over the world join in this celebration, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Health Canada.

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Family grocery shopping, mom reaching to use a PURELL hand sanitizer dispenser
Hand Hygiene Now and Forever


By Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

Handwashing Awareness Week is a good time to reflect on how our hand hygiene habits have changed since the pandemic began. You may have been negligent about keeping your hands clean pre-pandemic, but one of many things the pandemic has taught us is the importance of hand hygiene and infection prevention best practices. Experts globally, from the World Health Organization (WHO) to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), strongly agree that promoting – and practicing – good hand hygiene is an incredibly effective way to wash away or kill germs that may cause illness. Even after this pandemic passes, we should all continue practicing proper hand hygiene.

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World Hand Hygiene Day
Let’s Celebrate World Hand Hygiene Day


By Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

Every year on May 5th, hospitals around the globe join the World Health Organization (WHO) to celebrate World Hand Hygiene Day and raise awareness for the importance of hand hygiene. Public health organizations around the globe join this celebration, including the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Health Canada.

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Washing hands with PURELL Brand HEALTHY SOAP with PURELL Hand Sanitizer dispenser next to soap
When to Use Soap vs. Hand Sanitizer


By Jim Arbogast, Ph.D.

Hygiene Sciences and Public Health Advancements Vice President, GOJO Industries

Hand hygiene has been a primary tool in keeping the public healthy during this pandemic. Americans are washing their hands more frequently and for longer. Keeping your hands clean is one of the best ways to remove germs from your hands, but the overuse of some soaps and water can lead to dry and damaged skin. It’s important to not only keep your skin clean, but also healthy. So, when should you wash your hands and when should you sanitize them?

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